Bröllop på Örenäs Slott
Bröllop i kanske min absoluta favoritstad, (och födelsestad) Helsingborg, det blir sällan inte bättre. Eller jo, heldagsbröllop på en fredag dessutom, det gillar jag! Att det sen bjöd på två otroligt varma och underbara människor som sa ja till varandra, ett slott, en riddarrustning och världens grymmaste dansgolv var pricken över i:et. Stefan och Aleksandra gifte sig en fredag i juni och de kunde inte fått en bättre dag för sitt bröllop och jag är så otroligt tacksam för att jag fick vara en del av den. Här är deras historia.
In English: A wedding in maybe one of my favourite cities, and city of birth, Helsingborg, it does not get much better than that. But yes I does, it was also a full day Friday wedding, I love those! It also included two very warm and kind persons who said yes to each other, a castle, a knight and an awesome dance floor! Stefan och Aleksandra got married a Friday in June this year and they could not have wished for a better day, I am so utterly happy to have got the chance to be a part of it. Here's their story.
In English: A wedding in maybe one of my favourite cities, and city of birth, Helsingborg, it does not get much better than that. But yes I does, it was also a full day Friday wedding, I love those! It also included two very warm and kind persons who said yes to each other, a castle, a knight and an awesome dance floor! Stefan och Aleksandra got married a Friday in June this year and they could not have wished for a better day, I am so utterly happy to have got the chance to be a part of it. Here's their story.

PS. Jag älskar dansgolvsbilder, om ni inte redan visste!